I love shopping malls. Who doesn’t? In today’s busy world, being able to find all the shops in one place is certainly a time and effort saver. Kanyon, a new shopping mall in Turkey certainly deserves some publicity here.

The architectural design is astonishing, as the name suggests the design resembles a canyon. If we look at the previous shopping malls in this neighborhood, Akmerkez stands out by being the oldest one. The circular shape of Akmerkez is a brilliant way to design a shopping mall, because MetroCity’s rectangular design helps you realize the design flaw and appreciate the difference between the two approaches.

In MetroCity, when you walk till the end of a floor, you notice that you have come to a dead end and there is nowhere else to go. Therefore, you have to turn around and walk back which is pretty irritating because you are aware that you have already looked at all those shops before. However, in Akmerkez, the corridors are circular. There are certain advantages of being able to walk forever in a loop. Not being forced to stop by reaching a dead end is less irritating, and it is to the advantage of shop owners as well, since you may not immediately notice that you have already walked through that part of the mall.

Despite its architectural flaw in shape, MetroCity has a different architectural advantage. Akmerkez is an unnatural place, with all the artificial lighting and closed roof. Imagine yourself as a cartoon character that is shopping in a can. Yes, that is actually who you are. On the other hand, Metrocity’s roof lets sunlight in, which helps to ease the feeling of being in an artificial place.  But the kudos goes to Kanyon with its revolutionary approach. The place gives a mixed feeling of street shopping and mall shopping.